Saturday, January 14, 2012

skinny pulse

hye.. now is 0332am and i'm so hungry. i guess i gain no weight.sometimes i'll be doing simple exercises, i just can't stand myself not sweating for even a day. this holiday,waking up late making me keep skipping my own breakfast. each day getting skinnier, wider gap between my thighs.  but i have usual hunger at nite.very hungry.therefore,i shall eat.and gain no weight.'s really sokay because i love myself this way. if i'm heavier than present, maybe my joint pains will getting will burden my knees. oh i love my God, so grateful. when everyone telling me that i am too skinny and too ugly and have to gain more weight and have to eat a lot and blablablabla, hahahahaha. you know wat... i refused to sink in your damn opinions. so you think i'm a skinny shit well, i not gonna do any fattening process. i not gonna live up to your standard because at last the reality is me myself have to carry my own figure wit my own life and my own pains. so shut up.

i knew some girls are really sensitive about their weight. no matter wat size you are, skinny, big or mediun. every of you is beautiful. as i believe purity of your heart makes you beautiful. that's real. be real. live wit your own cuteness ;)

but make sure you're healthy.

this is my legs.

oke not. this is turmeric. i am officially in love wit this. i'll write later about this hot stuff.


tegur-tegur lah! :)