Sunday, October 23, 2011

silly weekend

waww.. this is true. hari ni rasa cam tak sedap badan ja.. donno y.   T.T

yang atlet tu aku, yang budak jaket kuning tu ka. bahahahaha

hahahahaha funny

hehee.. org tua tak bole tengok ctar ni,bebudak ja.

yeah this describe me! badadada~

a man sat in the audience, he tells them joke, they burst into laughter. he tells them again, but less people laugh. then he tell the same joke again and again, no one laugh or smile at last.   you can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again ?


  1. huit,, silap type.. yg atlet tu ka.. yg kuning tu fq... hak33

  2. kalu alone, p lar swimminggggg.. :)

    hye merahitujambu, sopannya ketawa tutup mulut..

    ka patric the starfish * tu kan gambar hang masa kecik kecik dlu....

  3. haha.. hang pnye gambar selalu lawak2 la. jmpe lak cari erk.. hahah..


tegur-tegur lah! :)